Calvin Qiu
Calvin Qiu is a director in BRG’s disputes and arbitration practice and divides his time between Singapore and Hong Kong.
An economist by training, Mr. Qiu applies analytical methods in finance and economics to conduct business and asset valuations and assessment of damages in cross-border disputes. He is well-versed in statistics and econometrics and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
Mr. Qiu primarily works on Asia-Pacific (APAC)–related arbitration and court litigation matters across sectors such as financial services, technology, power and infrastructure, manufacturing and real estate. He has been involved in arbitrations pursuant to SIAC, HKIAC, KCAB, LCIA, ICC and UNCITRAL rules, as well as litigation cases in the Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, US and offshore courts. His experience also includes valuation for the purposes of mediation.
Who’s Who Legal recognised Mr. Qiu in its 2024 guide on leading experts in arbitration, where he is described as “excellent at both the detail and at seeing the bigger picture” and as “a highly effective team player who makes his voice heard”. Mr. Qiu is active in the arbitration community and was appointed in 2023 to the Young SIAC Council as a member of its APAC regional committee.
Mr. Qiu is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin and has Japanese language skills at upper-intermediate level. He holds a BA in economics and an MPhil in economic research from Cambridge University. He has coauthored papers in leading academic journals on the economics of crowdfunding and gaming.
法律名錄《Who’s Who Legal》2024年仲裁專家指南評價丘先生「見微知著,洞悉全局」及「具高效團隊精神,善於表達」。他活躍於國際仲裁業界,在2023年被委任新加坡國際仲裁中心年輕從業者組織Young SIAC亞太地區委員會成員。
法律名录《Who’s Who Legal》2024年仲裁专家指南评价丘先生“见微知著,洞悉全局”及“具高效团队精神,善于表达”。他活跃于国际仲裁业界,在2023年被委任新加坡国际仲裁中心年轻从业者组织Young SIAC亚太地区委员会成员。
Employment History
Berkeley Research Group (BRG)
Senior Associate to Director
ICF International (formerly ICF GHK)
Intern to Senior Consultant
University of Cambridge, Pembroke College
MPhil (Distinction), Economic Research
BA (First Class), Economics
Professional Affiliations
CFA Society Singapore
Young SIAC Council
Member, APAC regional committee