
Publication | BRG

COVID-19: Collaboration Among Competitors

Henry Kahwaty, Kelly Lear Nordby, and Michael McDonald

April 13, 2020

To respond to immediate production and product development needs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to meet future challenges posed by an altered American economy, companies may need to consider entering into joint ventures or other types of collaborations with competitors for production, distribution, research and development, sales, or purchasing.

Henry Kahwaty, Kelly Lear Nordby, and Michael McDonald write about the US Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission’s recent “Joint Antitrust Statement Regarding COVID-19,” antitrust “safety-zones” for competitor collaborations and information exchanges, and the business review (DOJ) and advisory opinion (FTC) processes at these agencies.

Read their article.

BRG Experts

Related Professionals

Henry Kahwaty

Managing Director

Washington, DC

Michael McDonald

