

Technology and Analytics

Organisations are storing and processing more voluminous and disparate data to develop new insights and capitalise on opportunities for growth. From new sources—such as Big Data, cloud systems and social media—to traditional data warehouses and mainframe databases, the corporate data landscape continues to expand exponentially and become more nuanced as organisations seek competitive advantages in the data-driven economy. But these data sources are often complex and can increase an organisation’s exposure if not managed properly. The perils to data-driven organisations include the concealed misappropriation of corporate assets, vendor fraud, financial mismanagement, regulatory breaches and other issues posed by massive data sets. BRG professionals have extensive experience in assisting with data science and analytics and are equipped in delivering a defensible and cost-effective forensic technology solutions.  Our team comprises private investigators, digital forensic experts and eDiscovery project managers. We have also assisted clients in developing and implementing robust information governance and litigation/regulatory response readiness strategy.

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Erick Gunawan

Managing Director

Singapore, Sydney