Dr. Mario Denni an economist who is highly experienced in antitrust proceedings and merger assessments in various economic sectors, including digital, transportation, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical, at both the national and European Union levels.

In recent years, he has been responsible for a relevant abuse of dominance case in the digital sector. Following fifteen years as case handler at the Italian Competition Authority, in 2023 Dr. Denni became a consultant advising clients on economic matters in the context of competition cases in various industries.

During his period at the Italian Competition Authority, Dr. Denni was involved in merger and antitrust cases in the transport, pharmaceutical, and digital sectors. From 2012 to 2014 he was a member of the cabinet of the president and the secretary general of the Italian Competition Authority. From 2014 to 2018, he was Seconded National Expert at Unit F1, DG Competition – European Commission, where he dealt with antitrust enforcement in the rail, aviation, and tourism sectors. His previous engagements include the European Investment Bank, Italian Institute of Statistics, and Italian Research Council.

Dr. Denni holds a PhD in statistical methods for economics and business at the Third University of Rome and an MA in economics at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL).


Publications and Speaking Engagements

Arduini, Belotti, Denni, Giungato, Zanfei, 2010, Technology Adoption and Innovation in Public Services. The Case of e-Government in Italy, Information Economics and Policy, vol. 22(3), July, 257-275.

Archibugi, Denni, Filippetti, 2009, The Technological Capabilities of Nations: The State of the Art of Synthetic Indicators, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 76(7), 917-931.

Archibugi, Filippetti, Denni, Crespi, 2009, La Capacità Tecnologica delle Nazioni: Una Rassegna degli Indicatori Sintetici, QA – Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria, vol. 2.

Zanfei, Arduini, Belotti, Denni, Giungato, Reggi, 2009, La diffusione dell’eGovernment nelle Amministrazioni Locali Italiane: un’Analisi Esplorativa, Rassegna Economica, LXXII, 1, 215-232.

Zanfei, Arduini, Belotti, Denni, Giungato, Reggi, 2008, La Diffusione dell’eGovernment presso i Comuni Italiani. Il Ruolo dei Legami fra Servizi di Back e Front Office, Economia dei Servizi, vol. 3.

Arduini, Belotti, Zanfei, Giungato, Reggi, Denni, 2008, L’Innovazione nelle Amministrazioni Pubbliche. Evidenza sulla Diffusione dell’eGovernment in Italia, Economia e Politica Industriale, vol. 35(2), 1000-14.

Gruber, Denni, 2007, The Diffusion of Broadband Telecommunications: the Role of Competition, Communications & Strategies, No.68: Vertical separation, 4th quarter.

Employment History

Italian Competition Authority, Economist-Case Handler, 2007 – 2022

European Commission – DG Competition, Seconded National Expert, 2014 –  2018

Italian National Research Council, Consultant, 2006 – 2007

Italian National Institute of Statistics, Consultant, 2005 – 2007

European Investment Bank, Consultant, 2004 – 2005