Jeffery A. Stec

Managing Director

Jeff Stec is a managing director, a leader of Berkeley Research Group’s Intellectual Property practice, and a co-leader of its Economics, Disputes and Investigations community.

He has worked extensively over the past twenty-two years in the areas of antitrust, finance, intellectual property, and survey research, as both a consulting expert and an expert witness. His engagements typically involve the application of economic, financial, statistical, and survey research theory to the collection and analysis of data to evaluate the economic impact of decisions made by consumers and firms.

In the area of intellectual property, Dr. Stec has conducted economic and econometric analyses to determine the value of IP and the amount of economic damages resulting from patent, trademark, trade secret, or copyright infringement. He has addressed economic issues such as the appropriate measurement of revenues associated with the use of the infringing IP, the portion of those revenues that can be attributed to the IP, and whether the apportionment can be regarded as reasonable. He has evaluated economic and survey research issues in the context of Section 337 investigations conducted by the US International Trade Commission. He has evaluated the effects of anticompetitive conduct as it relates to the use of IP. In the context of trademarks and trade dress, he has evaluated issues of secondary meaning, genericness, dilution, and likelihood of confusion. He has also determined economic damages that have resulted from false advertising and counterfeit claims.

In the area of survey research, Dr. Stec has both created and critically evaluated surveys in the context of antitrust and IP engagements. He has developed complex sample designs, designed survey questionnaires, and collected and analyzed survey data, including the derivation of complex variance estimates using simulation methods. He has conducted surveys that have been used to determine consumers’ perceptions and actions in the marketplace, including whether products’ names or trade dress are distinctive, confusing, or generic. He has examined how products are used in the marketplace and how consumers value product features. He has consulted on best survey practices for the design, collection, and analysis of survey data.

In the area of antitrust, Dr. Stec has used economic and econometric analyses to investigate issues related to market definition, determination of market power or market dominance, and the effect of anticompetitive acts on competition. These investigations have included the effects of anticompetitive acts in the context of Sherman, Clayton, and Robinson-Patman Act claims dealing with abuse of market power; as well as the use of various horizontal and vertical restraints like price fixing, price discrimination, refusals to deal, exclusive dealing arrangements, and tying on individual firms or members of a class.

In the area of finance, Dr. Stec has used financial theory and econometrics to conduct analyses to determine asset values and shareholder loss in the context of securities fraud and late trading claims. These analyses have included the use of loss causation and event study paradigms, as well as trading simulation studies. He has examined claims of financial lending discrimination, which have included investigations of the likelihood of discrimination and the potential damages caused by that discrimination. He has used financial theory to determine damages in commercial contract disputes and product liability litigation.

Engagements Dr. Stec has worked on have dealt with the semiconductor and semiconductor design, computer software and hardware, consumer products, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, handheld mobile devices, paper products, casino gaming, consumer appliances, automated pharmacy systems, consumer electronics, automobiles, heavy haul truck trailers, textile machine, precious stones, fashion apparel and luxury accessories, outdoor lighting, vehicle parts, medical products, hardware, product packaging, toys, entertainment, food, mass media, plastics, pallet, television ratings, financial securities and loans, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, sweetener, and tradeshow industries, among others.

Prior to joining BRG, Dr. Stec was engaged as a vice president in economic and survey research consulting with another economic consulting firm. He also previously analyzed the credit card industry in detail, including coauthoring monthly state and national surveys to gauge consumers’ credit card and overall indebtedness. He helped design numerous telephone, mail, and internet surveys. His responsibilities ranged from sample and questionnaire design to data-collection methods and statistical analyses of survey data. He has performed econometric studies and written on various economic and survey research topics, such as optimal forecasting methods using time-series data, the effects of unit nonresponse on survey data, efficient methods for conducting telephone surveys, and methods for gauging the degree of consumer indebtedness using original survey data.

Dr. Stec has presented his research at the annual meetings of the American Statistical Association, American Association of Public Opinion Research, Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research, Ohio Association of Economists and Political Scientists, Midwest Macroeconomics Association, and the Columbus chapter of the National Association of Business Economists, and in numerous presentations as a guest lecturer and presenter for CLE courses. He has also published his work in the American Statistical Association’s Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods and Proceedings of the Section on Government Statistics and Section on Social Statistics. Dr. Stec contributed to and served as a member of the advisory board for the Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods. He has also written the chapter on the use of surveys in litigation published in the Litigation Services Handbook, sixth edition.

Employment History

Charles River Associates
Vice president, Intellectual Property
2004 – 2017

InteCap, Inc.
Director, Intellectual Property
2000 – 2004