Giordano Colarullo
Giordano Colarullo has over twenty years’ experience as a professional economist working to develop and pursue effective regulation and competition; market and industrial policy design; and energy, water, waste and transport infrastructure investments.
Before joining BRG, Giordano Colarullo led for nearly ten years an organisation representing around 400 companies in the water, urban waste, gas, electricity and district heating sectors in Italy. During this period, he developed proposals to (i) government and governmental institutions for improvements to industrial policy and market structure; and (ii) the economic regulator for effective tariff setting, efficient incentives and market design, and adequate allowed returns. He has supported companies developing governance, legislative, regulatory and competition compliance strategies; accessing finance; promoting actions against anticompetitive behaviours (e.g. exclusionary conduct) by third parties; and pursuing antitrust damages claims.
Mr. Colarullo has also worked as an economist for leading international consultancy firms dealing with regulatory and market issues in the water, energy and transport sectors. He has helped clients with price control submissions, appeals against price control decisions, promoting efficient regulatory and market design and policy, due diligence of regulated assets, antitrust cases, and financial and economic modelling.
Mr. Colarullo was an economist at Ofwat (the economic regulator for the water industry in England and Wales) dealing with the analysis of costs and benefits of water companies’ investments as well as regulatory incentive design.
Mr. Colarullo has featured as a speaker in various TV programmes, courses and events.
Employment History
UTILITALIA, 2016 – 2024
Oxera, 2011 – 2016
ICS, 2009 – 2011
NERA, 2006 – 2009
ICF, 2006
Ofwat, 2001 – 2006
Jacobs, 2000 – 2001
University of East Anglia
MA, Environmental Economics, 1999
Università Guido Carli-LUISS, Rome
BA (Hons), Politics, 1997