BRG’s professionals recognize that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the production, transportation, and consumption of energy are leading causes of climate change and represent a complex, multifaceted long-term problem that is global in scope. The consequences of GHG emissions and climate change are already significant and costly, and could become catastrophic if net emissions are not rapidly reduced. As such, climate change presents an urgent imperative for rapid transformation of the ways we produce, generate, transmit, and consume energy at the global, national, and local levels. This transformation requires the engagement of government agencies, civic organizations, and private businesses worldwide.

Mastering the imperatives of climate change and energy transformation will require policy and regulatory innovation, technological advances, and many trillions of dollars of new investment in energy infrastructure and mitigation technologies. This energy transformation will also entail significant costs for stranded assets, decommissioning, and the early retirement of GHG-intensive infrastructure for which the emissions cannot economically be mitigated.

Each energy infrastructure investment, retirement, and/or GHG mitigation solution will require evaluating complex climate change externalities, economic costs and benefits, and policy and regulatory compliance requirements and consequences. For these purposes, informational and analytic resources will be needed to measure and analyze full life-cycle emissions, carbon-pricing considerations, and transportation and delivery economics across the energy supply chain worldwide.

We recognize these imperatives and embrace their associated challenges. To help clients master the challenges of climate change and energy transformation, we have assembled a multidisciplinary team of leading independent experts in the areas of energy and environmental economics, policy and regulation, environmental science, engineering, finance, insurance, accounting, and dispute resolution. Our seasoned professionals provide the independent strategic and investment advisory, economic and environmental analysis, and dispute resolution consulting and expert services to manage the most challenging climate change imperatives of our day.

Our climate change-related business advisory and dispute resolution services include:

Strategic and Investment Advisory Services

Service Categories Service Areas
Policy and regulation
  • Strategy
  • Impact analysis
  • Compliance
Strategy and planning
  • Corporate strategy
  • Integrated resource planning
  • Technology analysis
  • Physical risk analysis
Finance and investment
  • Valuation
  • Due diligence
    (market, commercial, financial)
  • Project finance
  • Financial restructuring
Economic and environmental analysis
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Full life-cycle GHG analysis
  • Supply-chain analysis
  • Market analysis and forecasting
  • Offsets and credit valuation
  • Financial risk analysis
  • Claim analysis
  • Claim management

Dispute Resolution Consulting and Expert Services

Service Categories Service Areas
Commercial damages
  • Stranded assets
  • Corporate liability and causation
  • Disclosure issues
Civil litigation
  • Environmental damages
  • Property and
    commercial losses
  • Regulatory litigation
  • Securities litigation
Insurance claims
  • Loss and claim valuation
  • Settlement advisory services
  • Responding to catastrophes
International arbitration
  • Investment disputes
  • Commercial disputes


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Christopher Goncalves

Managing Director

Washington, DC

Gregory S. Thaler

Managing Director

San Francisco Bay Area

Our industry knowledge is broad and deep.

BRG combines intellectual rigor with practical, real-world experience. We have an in-depth understanding of industries and markets, with expertise spanning the major sectors of the global economy. Following are some of the many sectors that we know inside and out.